Great attention is traditionally paid to prevention of infectious diseases in pediatric population. Along with the institutional, therapeutic and preventive measures, it is necessary to control public awareness of such issues. The study was aimed to analyze awareness of primary school, high school, and senior school students, college and university students of the issues related to prevention of infections with fecal-oral and hematogenic transmission mechanisms. The study was carried out using the private online questionnaire consisting of three items (personal information, questions regarding awareness of the infections with fecal-oral and hematogenic transmission mechanisms). The properly filled questionnaires of the respondents, who had given to consent to participation in the study, were analyzed. It was found that schoolchildren aged 12–15 years were the least informed about the issues related to prevention of infections with fecal-oral and hematogenic transmission mechanisms, while the group of students aged 18–30 years was the most informed. It was hypothesized that parents influenced the choice of answer made by schoolchildren aged 6–11 during the online survey. It has been proposed to ensure raising of the 6–15-year-old students’ awareness of the issues related to prevention of infectious diseases, including by means of hygienic training when mastering such school curriculum subjects, as Biology and Human Life Safety.
Professional hygienic training and certification of specialists employed in the fields associated with epidemiological hazards are of great practical importance. The level of sanitary literacy of those exposed to epidemiologically significant factors determines the sanitary and epidemiological conditions in the respective facilities. This study aimed to gauge the said level among those employed in the field of children's education and upbringing. By design, the study was applied, single-center, cross-sectional, and selective. The object of the study was the staff of a facility with inherent epidemiological risks (child educators and supervisors), and the subject of the study was their level of sanitary literacy. The work lasted for 6 calendar months, until the sample reached the required size needed to reliably calculate the level of sanitary literacy of the staff expressed as means based on the test results. The methods of medical statistics were used for the analysis of the study's results. We discovered that the level of sanitary literacy of persons whose professional activities are related to the upbringing and education of children is low (the average amount of correct answers to the test questions was 65%), and identified attributes influencing the educational process: mode of attendance, gender, age, frequency of training, job title groups.
Proper eating habits, as a key factor in maintaining good health, should be trained in the university and college students. This study aimed to assess the awareness of students of different faculties of the Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University about healthy nutrition. It involved 197 young people studying at the general medicine, pediatric, and preventive medicine faculties. The survey included questions concerning the frequency of meals, eating habits, and the role of vitamins and trace elements. According to the results, most students know much about proteins and carbohydrates, but their knowledge about fats, vitamins, and trace elements is less extensive. A significant portion of students admit inadequate meal planning and frequent snacking between main meals. About half of the participants prefer healthy snacks, while the rest choose less benign options. The awareness of how much water to consume should also be improved. Most students realize the link between poor nutrition and the risk of developing chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and disorders of the cardiovascular system. The interfaculty differences revealed emphasize the importance of raising students' awareness of proper nutrition, focusing on the practical aspects of rational selection of food and its importance for maintaining good health and preventing diseases.
The analysis of socio-hygienic and psychophysiological factors affecting the students’health is a highly relevant issue. The paper reports hygienic and psychophysiological health risk factors in the second-year medical students. The study was aimed to assess the influence of psychophysiological and hygienic factors on the health status of 263 medical students. According to the polling data, complaints of asthenic and neurotic nature prevailed among the respondents. The Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory results showed that during the semester high state anxiety was found in 43% of the respondents. State anxiety increased more, than trait anxiety during the end of semester exams. Furthermore, the correlation between anxiety and the students’ academic load was revealed. Hygienic analysis of the students’ lifestyle revealed the following health risk factors: hypodynamia, spending large amounts of time on social media, inadequate sleep duration, harmful habits (smoking). Such hygienic factors of learning environment, as microclimate and luminosity, were assessed. It was found, that there was a strong positive correlation between air temperature in the classrooms and low students’ working capacity. We have proposed possible ways to improve socio-hygienic and psychological environment for maintenance and promotion of students’ health, which will result in the development of effective health preservation programs in educational institutions. Appropriately, such solutions will help ensure the students’ wellness and good working capacity, and will have a positive effect on the learning outcomes and further professional career.  
Morbidity among adolescents is a significant component of the overall morbidity in Russia, since this part of the population forms the potential of the country. Unfortunately, lately, the efforts to popularize healthy lifestyle and preventive measures, both of which entail decrease of the incidence of diseases in general, were insufficient. This study aimed to analyze the 10-year morbidity patterns among adolescents in Voronezh Oblast, rank pathologies, and compare the findings to the specifics of morbidity in Russia overall. We used statistical data describing diseases (types, incidence) affecting adolescents aged 15–17 in Voronezh Oblast and in Russia; the study covered the period from 2013 through 2022. The analysis of data for Voronezh Oblast revealed a number of classes of illnesses that exhibit significant growth and thus require special attention in the context of development of preventive measures and their implementation in educational establishments. We have also pinpointed the regions of the Central Federal District where, in the recent years, the incidence has been growing more rapidly than in others. The most significant rise of morbidity was registered in Voronezh Oblast. The region- and class-specific differences in the incidence of diseases should be factored in when implementing prevention campaigns and designing more detailed medical examination routines for the adolescents. Individual approach to each case plays an important part in slowing down the rate of morbidity, and it is crucial for the full realization of the potential of the respective efforts.
Currently, the level of training of preventive medicine specialists has great practical importance: it shapes the sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of not only individual regions, but the country as a whole. The talent foundry that raises such specialists in Voronezh Oblast, with proper qualifications, is the Preventive Medicine (PM) Faculty of the Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University (VSMU). This article reviews the key stages of establishment and evolution of preventive medicine there, analyzes the historiographical data and the accumulated experience as it is presented in the archives. The PM faculty of VSMU is one of the youngest in the university; it possesses high potential for development, and specialists with education in this field are sought-after in the modern society. Qualified researchers and professors, and a solid educational, methodological, and applied research base enable training of highly skilled hygienists and epidemiologists. Longitudinal and transverse collaborations within scientific communities allow sharing experiences and expansion of the boundaries of research-related interaction. The presented data emphasize the importance of training medical and preventive care professionals, given the variety of specialties and the need for specialists in this field whose qualifications meet the current requirements and the specifics of demand on the part of practical healthcare.
Physical development in adolescence is one of the key aspects of the modern society’s well-being. Assessment of physical development in children and adolescents represents an essential component of the pediatric population health status estimation being a clear indicator of the impact of lifestyle, environment, and learningmprocess on the child’s body. The study was aimed to assess the dynamic changes of physical development indicators in the high school-age children in the Samara Region over a decade. The paper deals with the anthropometric data of physical development acquired in 2013 and 2023. A total of 476 children aged 14–16 years were examined (256 boys, 220 girls). Physical development assessment performed in the group of high school-age boys revealed significant changes. Boys of all ages examined in 2023 lagged behind their peers examined in 2013 in the number of individuals with harmonious physical development. Furthermore, a significantly greater number of children with disharmonious physical development due to excess body weight were revealed in 2023. The results yielded by assessing physical development in girls are slightly different: the today’s 14-year-old schoolgirls lag behind girls examined in 2013 in the size of population with harmonious physical development. The body height comparative analysis results have shown that the today’s schoolchildren do not lag behind their peers examined in 2013 in all gender-age groups (p > 0.05). A significant increase in the schoolchildrens’ body weight relative to 2013 is likely to result from the quarantine measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which made children stay at home for longer and reduced their physical activity.