Currently, studying the quality and style of life of students is an urgent task due to the need to improve the demographic situation and increase the intellectual potential of the country. This article presents an analysis of the quality of life of medical and humanitarian specialties students of Voronezh universities. We sought to compare these parameters based on the data collected with the help of the SF-36 survey and the HPLP (Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile) questionnaire. The study involved 262 students of the Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, Voronezh State University and Voronezh branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics aged 18–25 years. We revealed significant differences between educational institutions in a number of key indicators, which highlights the importance of factoring in the specifics of the educational environment when designing health preservation programs for students. According to the results of the survey (SF-36), humanitarian specialties students self-assessed their health better then future medical professionals (median values 70 points vs. 65 points, respectively), same as physical activity and nutrition, as shown by the HPLP questionnaire (20.5 points vs. 18 points and 24 points vs. 23 points, respectively). The resulting data revealing the differences in the quality and lifestyle of students can be used in the development of health and wellbeing improvement recommendations for students, and in the design of comprehensive physical and mental health preservation programs.
Monitoring and studying nutritional status is an important stage in the planning of dietary and metabolic support program for figure skaters. However, currently, there is no comprehensive approach to the assessment of this status that would have factored in the specifics of the given sport. In this regard, this study aimed to update the comprehensive figure skaters nutritional status assessment program. We invited male (n = 13) and female (n = 19) students of the Lesgaft National University, aged 19–20 years, to participate in the study; they all specialize in figure skating. At the first stage, we measured the subjects' anthropometric parameters (body mass index, body fat percentage), clinical indicators (based on the results of the health complaints survey), and speed of dark adaptation. The measurements have shown that the values of body mass index and body fat percentage were normal in all participants for their age. The survey revealed indirect signs of dietary deficiencies, in particular, insufficient amounts of vitamins A, C, P, and B1. To make the nutritional status check more informative, we suggest completing the program with functional testing (general and special standards) involving registration of the dynamics of the respective indicators, and bioelectrical impedance analysis to learn body composition.
Radioactive and chemical contamination can affect carcinogenesis, including the development of malignant neoplasms of the ovaries (MNOs) in women. The study aimed to perform comparative assessment of environmental situation in the towns and districts of the Bryansk Region based on chemical, radioactive, and combined radioactive contamination, as well as primary incidence of MNOs in women in accordance with official statistics for the years 2000–2019. The data for the study were provided by the Bryansk Regional Oncology Dispensary, Bryanskstat, Rostekhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor. Neither significant differences in primary incidence of MNOs, nor increased risk of MNO were revealed in female population aged 18–80 years, regardless of the environmental conditions of living in 2000–2019. We revealed a significantly elevated relative risk (RR) of primary incidence of low-grade MNOs in women aged 41–60 years living in the environmentally disadvantaged areas compared to women living in the control areas: RR 1.88 (95% CI: 1.43–2.48); p < 0.0001). The rate of low-grade MNOs in women aged 41–60 years in the areas of the combined exposure is 17.6 ± 1.96, which 1.5-fold exceeds the values reported for radioactively contaminated areas (11.7 ± 2.73) and 1.2-fold exceeds the values reported for chemically contaminated areas (15.2 ± 1.31). The combined effects of radioactive and chemical contamination results in the higher RR of low-grade MNOs compared to the areas with only one pollution factor, i.e. radioactive contamination (RR 1.51 (95% CI: 1.00–2.28)), chemical contamination  (RR 1.17 (95% CI: 0.90–1.50)). The findings suggest synergistic effect of radiation and chemical factors on the incidence of low-grade MNOs.
Drinking water occupies one of the leading places among environmental factors responsible for shaping public health, so providing sanitary-and-epidemiologic wellbeing of the population cannot be considered separately from solving the hygienic problem of water supply. The study aimed to provide comparative hygienic characteristics of the quality of drinking water from the Ryazan centralized water supply system based on organoleptic indicators. Comparative assessment of the quality of drinking water was performed based on the analysis of the data of the years of research for the years 2017–2022. We performed analysis of the long-term average annual values of odor at 20 ºС and 60 ºС, taste, color and turbidity, share of samples non-compliant with the hygienic standards, over time. Inidicators were also assessed based on the season of the year and territorial belonging. The average indicator values were compared using analysis of variance; pairwise comparison involved the use of the Scheffe and Tamhane tests considering the Levene’s test results. Confidence intervals of the relative indicators were determined based on the Wilson score. The long-term average annual values of organoleptic indicators of the quality of drinking water in Ryazan are compliant with SanPiN 1.2.3685-21. A small number of samples had odor, taste, and color exceeding the hygienic standards. Turbidity that was non-compliant with the hygienic requirements in 2.2% of samples and reached the maximum value of 16.4 mg/L (kaolin) should be considered the most challenging indicator of the quality of test drinking water.