Medical students’ hygiene training on healthy eating as part of classes at the department of hygiene

About authors

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Olga V. Ievleva
Ostrovityanov str. 1, Moscow, 117997, Russia; ur.xednay@lvei.looc

About paper

Acknowledgements: we would like to express our gratitude to the Design for School educational space design studio.

Author contribution: all authors contributed to manuscript preparation equally.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (protocols № 159 of 21 November 2016, № 203 of 20 December 2020) and conducted as part of the research project (R&D project state registration number АААА-А19–119021890068–7, 18 February 2019); the study did not endanger the subjects and was consistent with the principles of biomedical ethics; the informed consent was submitted by all study participants.

Received: 2022-07-26 Accepted: 2022-08-20 Published online: 2022-11-28
Fig. 1. Popularity of various health preservation strategies used by medical students, %
Fig. 2. Examples of posters “4 Principles of Balanced Diet”