Health of the younger generation determines the prospects of social and economic development of Russia. So, concern for healthcare of the youth is displayed in fundamental state documents (including the ‘Fundamentals of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025’) [1]. In accordance with its relevance, we conducted research aimed at examination of physical development of 1,820 students of the first and fourth years from four Universities of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Based on the past experience, standards of physical development for students from the Republic of Bashkortostan were developed and registered. A retrospective analysis was done comparing data related to modern students from the Republic of Bashkortostan and the ones related to the standard of physical development of students from the Republic of Bashkortostan obtained 25 years ago. The results reveal a tendency (during the last quarter of a century) to asthenization of modern youth from the Republic of Bashkortostan. The functional reserves of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of students were assessed using the circulatory and respiratory Skibinski’s index. It is established that in students, the mean Skibinski’s index was 24.8 ± 0.3, which corresponds to the ‘satisfactory’ range only. The program called ‘Software to assess physical development and adaptation capabilities of the body’ was developed and registered at the Federal Institute of Industrial Property aimed at determination of a risk group of diseases among students depending on their physical development, functional condition and adaptive capabilities of the body.
The study is concerned with a pressing issue of assessing social adaptation (SA) and autonomic stability (AS) in the young people studying in various educational institutions. It is necessary to determine the students’ social adaptation and autonomic stability at different ages. The study included 100 schoolchildren who living in the big city; 89 schoolchildren living in rural areas; 70 schoolchildren living and studying in the city boarding school. The schoolchildren were aged 14–15. The group of youth included 248 first‑year students aged 17–18 and 136 6th year students aged 22–23. The study was performed with the use of the two‑factor personality questionnaire by M. Gavlinova approved by the European Union for School and University Health and Medicine and adapted to Russian conditions. The authors provide data for determination of social adaptation and autonomic stability in young people aged 17–23. When analyzing the findings, it was found that the differences in social adaptation and autonomic stability between schoolchildren were partially dependent on their gender, type of learning, and place of residence. Given equal starting opportunities in young males and females in the beginning of high school training, young males showed higher SA and AS values compared to young females by the end of training. A group was distinguished that included students showing low SA and AS values, which, in our view, required psychological and medical rehabilitation. Given the findings, we believe that physicians should further examine the patients with low AS values, and psychologists (neuropsychiatrists) should further assess patients with low SA values during medical check‑ups in order to ensure prevention and management of the disorders identified in schoolchildren and students.
Maintaining health and commitment to a healthy lifestyle among students is the basis for their further professional activities, which is true not only for future physicians. The medical students’ hygiene education is especially important during their university studies, since it is an element of the future physician personality formation. The study was aimed to substantiate the technology for the medical students’ hygiene training provided as part of their classes at the Department of Hygiene. Hygiene training was performed in the group of 173 students of the General Medicine and Pediatric Faculties (index group) as part of the classes on hygiene at the Department of Hygiene, Pediatric Faculty, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, for one semester. The equivalent comparison group formed by the copy pair method also comprised 173 medical students of the General Medicine and Pediatric Faculties. Questioning and monitoring of the medical students’ progress were used to assess the hygiene training efficiency. The data were processed with the Statistica 13 PL software package. It was shown that the General Medicine and Pediatric Faculty students’ hygiene training, that involved the use of checklists and visual materials, provided as part of hygiene classes, was possible. During the classes at the Depatment of Hygiene 95.0% of medical students in the index group noted they had started to follow the recommendations from the checklist, while no students having1–2 meals a day were found; the students’ motivation to study hygiene as a subject improved, which was reflected in their end of semester grade that was (М±m) 86.6±0.6 points on average in the index group and 80.6±0.7 points on average in the comparison group (p≤0.05). Hygiene training of medical students provided during practical hygiene classes proved its effectiveness. The results of the test use of checklists during the semester were positive.
VIEWS 1222
The issue of students’ health promotion is prioritized against the background of preserved high incidence of school-associated nosologies, occurrence of new risk factors that determine a change in the daily schedule and lifestyle, and intensification of an educational process. The implemented system of hygienic control over the valid risk factors is deprived of effectiveness due to its irrational use associated with insignificant motivation of educational process participants for its practical implementation. The purpose of this research is to examine awareness of the teachers during 20-year-long observation of dynamics while obtaining hygienic education on the issues of schoolchildren health protection. 36 and 50 teachers were included into the research in 2000 and 2021, respectively. Inclusion criteria were as follows: gymnasium teacher, time interval, properly completed questionnaire, availability of voluntary informed consent. Exclusion criteria included another professional group and place of employment, another time interval, lack of properly completed questionnaire, no voluntary informed consent. The gymnasium teachers were questioned during a dynamic study and obtained hygienic education on the issue of schoolchildren health protection. Statistica 13 PL pack was used. An increased level of teachers’ awareness during sanitary and educational work, formation of healthy lifestyle skills and reduction of a number of teachers (from 33.3% in 2000 to 10.2% in 2021) not promoting their health were noted. This results in improved effectiveness of preventive activities at educational institutions.
The biological factor is one of the leading adverse labor factors for medical workers. Establishing risk factors of exposure to COVID‑19 within this occupational group is a relevant hygienic task. The purpose of the study is to examine the morbidity in coronavirus among the emergency ward workers and determine risk factors of occupational infection. The morbidity rate of COVID‑19 among the emergency ward workers in Ryazan for 2020–2021 has been analyzed. The highest risk of COVID‑19 infection was established for medical workers of mobile teams. The infection risks for drivers and medical workers were comparable. Comparative analysis of COVID‑19 infection rates for drivers and employees of the ward not engaged in mobile teams confirms higher risks of infection of mobile team workers, including the ones who do not participate in provision of medical aid directly. High morbidity rates and statistically significant probability of a more severe course of the disease among mobile team medical workers as compared to drivers and employees not engaged in mobile teams are probably not accidental, and are due to a closer contact with a patient while providing medical aid and, as a consequence, a higher viral load that partially determines the disease severity. Emergency ward workers have a high occupational risk of exposure to COVID‑19 during the pandemic. Mobile team medical workers and drivers are at higher risk of developing the novel coronavirus infection. Emergency care mobile team medical personnel are subjected to the highest risk of a more severe course of the disease.
VIEWS 1493
It is difficult to imagine a modern society without electronic gadgets (EG), as they promote rapid acquisition and exchange of data. At the same time, modern technologies do not only ensure information exchange, but also influence different organs and systems of users. As they are more commonly used by students and adolescents, it is important to have a holistic picture of the effect produced by the EG to estimate the harmful effects of various mobile EG. The harmful effects on health of medical students associated with the use of mobile electronic gadgets was assessed. Scientific articles considering the issues of how various environmental factors and harmful effects associated with the excessive use of electronic mobile gadgets influence the health of students were reviewed. The articles published in 2015 to 2021 were searched within ELIBRARY, PUBMED, PSYCINFO and CYBERLENINKA. Thus, taking into account literature data about the health of modern students, their way of life, role and place of electronic gadgets in their lives, and a special importance of forming health-preserving skills exactly among medical students, who are the future doctors, subsequent examination of harmful effects, associated with mobile electronic gadgets used in educational and leisure activity, on students’ health, examining the effect of mobile electronic gadgets on other components of the students’ way of life and development of modern technologies of hygienic education of medical students at Universities still belong to relevant issues. Development of electronic technologies enables acquisition and processing of large amounts of information. However, various factors producing a negative effect on health and a way of life of a human being are poorly understood. In spite of diversified information technologies, it is important to remember about the necessary skills used when the technologies are applied. Thus, health and skills related to a healthy lifestyle belong to an important factor for future medical students.
VIEWS 1145
Consumption of energy drinks by young people has been increased due to various reasons. The drinks have potentially harmful effects. The purpose was to examine the frequency of and reasons for energy drink consumption by medical students, subjectively assess health effects related to energy drinks, and analyze composition of energy drinks. 150 students of the Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko were interviewed to find out the effect produced by energy drinks on their performance, health and attitude to energy drinks using Google Forms. Methods of statistical analysis were utilized during the assessment. Four energy drink labels were selected and analyzed with their composition being described. Students’ health and adverse effects after consumption of the drinks underwent subjective assessment. 35% of those interviewed believe that energy drinks are effective. 70% of the students report increased performance after consumption of the drinks. However, 55% of them develop adverse effects such as tremor of the extremities (11.3%), increased excitability (20%), increased blood pressure (23.3%), heart arrhythmia (26%), allergic reactions (4%), and loss of consciousness (2%). A safe amount to be consumed (250 ml) is recommended after the analysis, whereas 60% of the respondents consume 450 ml. Every year energy drinks are gaining more and more popularity among young people. The found adverse effects of energy drinks require subsequent and a more elaborated examination.
VIEWS 1155
To achieve high results in sports and preserve health, athletes need favorable conditions for a training process, accommodation and medical supply. The purpose of the study was to assess the sanitary and hygienic condition and organization of a training process at a school of Olympic reserve. Objectives of the study included assessment of architectural and planning concepts for the school-related buildings and premises; examination of sanitary and hygienic condition of training rooms, sports facilities, hall of residence, parameters of air thermal and light regimen; assessment of how the training process is organized and developing the activities to correct the found violations. A hygienic assessment of training and athletic premises, physical factors, medical and pedagogical observation (two types of sports) is done in the trial. It has been established during the examination that no requirements to light furniture labeling, temperature and light regimen, regimen of cleaning and storage of cleaning utensils and sanitary condition of the hall of residence are followed. Training sessions are structured and specific as far as physical activity dynamics goes. By a number of parameters (selection and arrangement of premises, class timetable and equipment), favorable conditions for education and training are created at the school. The established violations of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the school-related premises and buildings can promote fatigue, injuries and infectious diseases. A more proper medical control over the sanitary conditions of education and residence at the school is required.
VIEWS 1065