In the past few years, the number of elderly people has been growing in Russia. Every fifth retired person does not resign and continues to work. The situation with employees that have already reached the retirement age is distinctly special in the country's higher education establishments. Therefore, the task of studying the peculiarities of health of higher school professors that have already passed the retirement age threshold or are approaching it is an urgent one, the purpose of such a study being prolongation of the "healthy old age". It is necessary to factor in gender specifics, since, according to the statistics, men run greater risks of developing chronic non-communicable diseases than women. The purpose of this study was to investigate the gender-related peculiarities of the physical condition and the rate of aging of medical university professors of pre-retirement and retirement age with the aim to develop measures enabling such employees to maintain a high level of working efficiency. The study involved 169 teachers aged 55-70. A set of anthropometric measurements was taken. The participants had their blood pressure measured, level of physical condition and their adaptive potential assessed. The rate of aging and biological age were calculated for all the participants with the help of A.G. Gorelkin and B.B. Pinkhasov's formulas. The study revealed significant differences in most morpho-functional status indicators signaling of the greater cardiovascular system disease risks run by male teachers compared with their female peers. However, female participants presented significantly more cases of obesity, which explains the revealed differences in the rate of aging that was higher among women.
VIEWS 1452
This article focuses on approaches to implementing the principles of P4 medicine, specifically, stimulating prevention-based thinking among students of faculties of general medicine and pediatrics. Below, we describe a pilot approach to teaching hygiene that was implemented at the Department of General Hygiene (Kazan State Medical University). Considering the gnoseological role of empathy, we designed an interactive workbook for students taking a course in Hygiene. The workbook allows the student to engage in empathic interactions and discourse about the studied subject with the teacher and peers. After the course, the students were surveyed; their degree of engagement in the learning process and their expectations were evaluated. The respondents rated their interest in Hygiene before starting the course as 5.6 and 5.7 points on the 10-point scale (for the traditional and innovative courses, respectively). During the course, the score increased to 5.8 and 8.6 points for the traditional and innovative courses, respectively. Our pilot project demonstrates the need for reviewing the strategy of teaching hygiene and prevention-related disciplines at clinical faculties and including the principles of P4 medicine in the medical curriculum, thus allowing the student to effectively perform their professional duties in primary healthcare.
VIEWS 1701
Physicians, who provide general medical services, should give the patients an advice on physical activity. The study was aimed to assess physical activity of medical students, as well as their awareness of this issue, and willingness to provide the public an advice on commitment to a healthy lifestyle in terms of physical activity. A total of 518 medical students were surveyed. The data obtained with the Steps and Screen Time mobile applications were used. Physical fitness was assessed using the standard anthropometric technique. Statisctical processing of the data obtained was performed with the Statistica 13 PL statistical software package. The study met the requirements of biomedical ethics and posed no risk to participants. No significant differences in the number of steps between males and females was observed. It was 9033±3297 steps in males and 7807±3570 steps in females. The evidence supporting the relationship between physical activity and average time spent on a smartphone per day was obtained: the correlation coefficient for the relationship between the number of steps per day and the screen time was -0.36 (moderate negative correlation). Correlation coefficients for the relationships between body mass index and physical activity (-0.35) and between body mass index and screen time (0.33, moderate positive correlation) were calculated. The data obtained allowed us to develop simple and feasible guidelines on improving physical activity in medical students, as well as to develop a tracker of positive habit of daily optimal physical activity for each student, and to discuss the results within the framework of the business game Physical Activity in Various Sectors of Population.
VIEWS 1455
The aim of this study was to assess the impact of distance learning technologies (DLTs) on the daily routine and health of medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The questions included in the questionnaire were intended to measure the awareness of students about the risks associated with distance learning (DL), elicit their opinion about the organization of the learning process and subjectively assess DL as such. The study was conducted in December 2020. It enrolled 508 medical students of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow) and of Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk). Statistical analysis was performed in Statistica 13.0. For categorical variables, the significance of differences was assessed using Pearson’s chi-square test. Differences were considered significant at р≤0.05. The analysis reveals that 80% of the respondents thought that DLTs were implemented effectively. The dynamics of academic performance were used as an objective indicator of content assimilation. No significant differences were discovered in the academic performance of students before, during and after the DL period. Although medical students are ready to use some elements of DLTs in the learning process, there is a need for introducing active teaching methods, refining teaching strategies, perfecting teaching skills and teaching students competencies that can be used to maintain their health in the classroom and in a distance learning setting.
VIEWS 1536
Accumulation of anthropogenic contaminants in food is one of the by-products of economic and other activities practiced by humankind. This study aimed to analyze the public health risks associated with ingestion of organochlorine pesticides (HCH, DDT) widely used in agriculture. The risk assessment was enabled by Nutri-prof software package; the data collected covered actual dietary patterns of 1798 people (823 men and 975 women) aged 18 to 65. Assessment of the level of contamination of food with organochlorine pesticides relied on the results of analysis of 16510 food product samples belonging to various groups. Bread and bread products, vegetables and melons, potatoes, milk and dairy products were shown to be the source of HCH in the amounts causing the greatest non-cancerogenic risk associated therewith. The list of products delivering the largest amounts of DDT into the body and thus posing the greatest non-cancerogenic risk associated therewith includes bread and bread products, vegetables and melons, meat and meat products, milk and dairy products. With the median DDT and HCH concentrations factored in, the highest joint cancerogenic risk level a person may be exposed to reaches the third range, which is acceptable for occupational groups. From the age of 45, consumption of bread and bread products leads to the related endocrine system risks growing beyond background levels, and from 65, these risks, considered negligible up to this age, become moderate. The results of this study support effectiveness of the sanitary and epidemiological food safety control system; the considered methodological approach to risk assessment allows making timely management decisions that account for the nature of work and dietary peculiarities.
VIEWS 1615
In 2020, the spread of the new coronavirus infection made the education system change significantly, the changes emergency by nature. This could not but affect lifestyle and health of students. This report presents the results of an investigation aimed at studying (hygienic assessment) the peculiarities of the daily time budget of Vladivostok students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Six hundred and thirty four students (years 1 through 4, aged 18 through 24) filled the questionnaires and thus reported on their educational activity, sleep, physical activity, nutrition. It was found that smartphone was the favorite e-learning tool among the respondents, with 5.84±0.93% of them having it is the only means of communication. Distance learners, compared with those studying in-person, significantly more often exceeded hygienic recommendations prescribing time limitations for continuous work with a computer/laptop (39.39±2.21% versus 28.47±3.76% χ2=5.69, p=0.018). Also, the former have significantly more often exceeded the 7-8 hour night sleep time (15.92±1.65% versus 6.94±2.12%, χ2=7.49, p=0.007). It was established that among students studying online there were significantly fewer people eating once (9.8±1.34% versus 24.31±3.57%, χ2=20.59, p<0.001) and shortly before sleep (52.24±2.26% versus 64.58±3.99%, χ2=6.85, p=0.009). Distance learners significantly more often went for a walk than those who attended full-time classes (56.73±2.24% versus 29.86±3.81%, χ2=8.32, p=0.004). Thus, distance learning allowed continuing the educational process itself, however, it changed the usual regimes and forced redistribution of the time costs.
VIEWS 1692