The objective of the study was to develop and implement the system of hygienic measures eliminating (mitigating) the impact of risk factors in the work of forensic scientists and to estimate effectiveness of these measures and the program aimed at improvement of employment terms for forensic scientists [1, 2]. Forensic scientists were compared to a control group of other doctors. The following researches were carried out: survey of 303 forensic scientists, analysis of their employment terms based on employment terms special evaluation (2,736 materials of employment terms special evaluation), examination of forensic scientists’ health compared to other doctors by analyzing medical examination results (309 health records). Protection and promotion of working population’s health is the state priority. Its purpose is to preserve labor potential and create conditions for economic development of the country. Medical workers are exposed to a combined, complex, and associated effect of working environment conditions and parameters [3, 4]. Industrial and social factors can result in a rising incidence, reduction in life expectancy, ill health and medical staff performance increment, and require preventive measures. Those working for forensic expert organizations constitute a special population due to a large number of professional, medical and organizational, and social risk factors [5].
VIEWS 1277
Increasing academic load, intensification of academic activity, use of not priorly certified innovative pedagogical technologies have been linked with steadily declining health in students. This is how a search for new effective methods of formation, strengthening and increasing health of students is initiated. An important task is to provide for scientific justification of the innovative approach to health control in students from general educational institutions of various types. Heavy academic activity, research of the functional condition of the central nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems were assessed in lyceum and school students in Grades 9–10. Students from an ‘at‑risk’ group had their psychophysiological condition corrected; the effectiveness was assessed by comparison of psychophysiological indicators before and after the session. When intensive academic activity is involved, adolescents from a lyceum had better operational indicators of the central nervous system, and functional indicators of the respiratory system as compared with schoolchildren. Students from the both groups had reduced biological, social and psychological adaptation. Sessions of functional biocontrol resulted in the increased number of those examined with normal working capacity and satisfactory biological adaptation against the background of a decreasing number of adolescents with a high level of psychoemotional stress. Functional biocontrol is an effective correction method of psychophysiological state of those educated. This determines the necessity of its use in educational institutions of various types.
VIEWS 1320
Socio-economic outcome of long-term SARS-CoV-2 pandemic poses a major health risk to children. A high number of neurological disturbances and nutrition-associated problems are reported. Hygiene is one of the most important measures to avoid the novel coronavirus infection. Children and adolescents commonly constitute a special population, as disease severity in this group significantly differs from that in middle-aged and senior groups. Lockdown and transition to remote learning result in numerous reasons for emotional stress such as a dramatically altered way of life and education, and an important reduction of physical activity. The basic hygienic measures for children and adolescents included lockdown and transition to remote learning. An altered way of life caused strong emotions and poor academic achievements. As time passes, based on numerous statistical data, we can conclude that the role of children in the infection transmission and spread is insignificant. In spite of doubtful effectiveness of transition to online learning and an abundance of negative consequences for children’s mental health, some authors report that closure of schools resulted in a reduced number of those affected and decreased mortality rate. Hand hygiene is a very important way to prevent the spread of infections. Hygiene promotion aimed at children and adolescents is lacking during the pandemic, as explanatory talks are mainly given by parents.
VIEWS 1979
The growth of eye disease incidence in the juvenile population amidst increasing visual load, which, among other factors, results from the use of electronic devices (ED), outlines the search for effective preventive measures, geared towards preservation of health of young people. The study was aimed to assess the impact of life activity upon exposure to digital environment on the organ of sight in schoolchildren and college students. The study was carried out in 2017-2020 at Dolgoprudny gymnasium and Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. A total of 805 schoolchildren and college students underwent ophthalmologic examination. Accommodative response was registered with Speedy-K Ver. MF-1 autorefractor keratometer (Japan). A standardized questionnaire, tailored by the authors to meet the requirements of the study, was used to assess the regime for the use of ED by students. Inclusion criteria: schoolchild, college student, ophthalmologic examination data and submitted informed consent available, correctly completed questionnaire. Statistical processing was performed using the Statistica 13.0 software. All students were the ED owners. Only 9.9% of primary school students, 2.7% of secondary school students, 1.9% of senior secondary school students, and 0.9% of college students did not use ED every day. Significant negative correlation was revealed between the students’ vision acuity and the daily total time of using the ED, as well as the duration of the ED continuous use (р≤0.05). Accommodation weakness was detected in 88.76% of students with early stage of myopia; accommodative response close to normal was less common (11.24%). The increase in daily total time of using the ED by 2 hours and more results in higher prevalence of functional vision problems (p≤0.05), and the trend of increasing the number of high myopia cases. The data obtained define the need of improving the students’ hygiene training starting from the preschool age.
VIEWS 1466
Adaptive capabilities of young people enrolling at higher education establishments differ from person to person. Depending on the level of these capabilities, a new student may see his/her quality of life deteriorating and a variety of diseases developing. Against this background, investigation of the dynamics of students' adaptation to studying at a higher educational establishment acquires special urgency: the results of such an investigation would enable designing an effective psychological support program for such students. This study aimed to investigate how the quality of life of students changes as studying at a higher education establishment alters their degree of adaptation and lifestyle. The report compares the studied degree of adaptability and quality of life of the same group of students in their first and third years. By design, the study was prospective continuous; it involved 120 students. M. Gavlinova's two-factor questionnaire (SA, social-ANS) enabled study of the degree of adaptability. As for the quality of life of the participating students, it was registered with the help of the SF-36 questionnaire. Lifestyle of the students was assessed relying on the questionnaire designed to uncover the person's attitude to smoking, alcohol, drugs, physical culture and sports. The results obtained enabled development of recommendations aimed at identifying students running risks of maladjustment and illnesses with the aim to render such students targeted medical and psychological assistance and adjust the sanitary and epidemiological conditions of studying.
VIEWS 1445