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Specialty "preventive medicine": from applicant to specialist

Shepeleva OM, Gerasimova ES, Churilin MI
About authors

Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Olga M. Shepeleva
Karl Marx str., 3, Kursk, 305041, Russia; ur.liam@pattopaglo

About paper

Author contribution: Shepeleva OM — study concept, developing the research design, literature review, description of results, manuscript writing and formatting; Gerasimova ES — online questionnaire survey, data processing; Churilin MI — literature review, description of results. Соблюдение этических стандартов: онлайн-анкетирование было анонимным, не подвергало опасности участников и не ущемляло их прав. В начале анкетирования спрашивали согласие респондента на участие в исследовании. При выборе варианта «не согласна(ен) на участие в исследовании» дальнейшие вопросы не открывались.

Compliance with ethical standards: the online questionnaire survey was anonymous, it did not endanger the subjects or infringed their rights. When starting polling, the respondent was asked to give the consent to study participation. When the option “don’t agree to participate in the study” was chosen, no further questions could be opened.

Received: 2023-12-01 Accepted: 2024-02-17 Published online: 2024-03-16

Preserving and strengthening the health of the population of the Russian Federation is impossible without ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare. Furthermore, the staff shortage of preventive medicine specialists is observed in a number of regions, along with the decline in popularity of this specialty among applicants manifesting itself in the lower number of applications and the lower average USE scores of admitted students together with the lower passing scores in educational institutions. The study was aimed to assess the social and psychological portrait of the student studying at the faculty of preventive medicine and his/her motivation for further professional activity. The anonymous online questionnaire survey of 153 students showed that only 57.5% of students made a conscious choice of profession, 54.3% remain confident in their choice throughout the learning process, 28.8% doubt their choice, and 16.9% would never do the same choice. A total of 34.0% respondents are concerned about the success of their employment. At the same time, the majority of students show good academic performance, while career orientation and competitiveness are the major factors that drive their successful study.

Keywords: medical students, training of specialists, preventive medicine, Rospotrebnadzor, applicants