Hygienic description of lifestyle factors among students of colleges

Bronskih NA, Sharenko EM, Popova OS, Nasybulina GM
About authors

Ural State Medical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Natalia A. Bronskih
ul. Evgeniya Savkova, 8, Yekaterinburg, 620036, Russia; ur.xednay@29925hiksnorb

About paper

Acknowledgements: scientific advisor Popova OS for introduction into work and assistance in the study; head of department of hygiene and ecology Nasybulina GM for possibility to implement scientific projects.

Author contribution: Bronskih NA — survey of students, statistical processing of results, review of literature on this issue; Sharenko EM — survey, statistical processing of results, searching the necessary literature; Popova OS — academic advisor, design development, organization of work, estimating quality of the obtained results, author’s criticism; Nasybulina GM — academic advisor, developing the study design, editing and editorial processing of the article.

Compliance with ethical standards: voluntary informed consent has been obtained from all those interviewed before the study.

Received: 2022-10-21 Accepted: 2022-11-23 Published online: 2023-01-13

Assessment of lifestyle factors is a pressing issue with a high social and state value. Purpose of the study is to compare lifestyle factors of young men and young women who study at colleges. A cross-sectional sampling descriptive study was conducted in 2021–2022. 371 students from 2 colleges of various profiles aged 16 to 20 (25.4% of young men and 74.6% of young women) participated in the study. Socioeconomic indicators, regimen of nutrition, periodic consumption of basic products and dishes, taste preferences of students, compliance with sleep pattern, duration of self-preparation for lessons, physical exercises and sporting activities, creative hobbies and use of gadgets were examined. It has been established that the majority of young people live in favorable social conditions, over one-third of them stay away from their parents and other adult relatives. The majority of those interviewed estimate income of their families as an average, all families have at least one PC. The majority of students have eating disorders, peculiarities of dietary behavior, and violations of the regimen of the day such as insufficient sleep duration, high academic load, insufficient involvement in creative or social activity, low level of motor activity and walking, long-term use of PCs and other gadgets.

Keywords: physical activity, students, lifestyle, nutrition, young people, colleges