Role of parents in hygienic and sexual education of children and adolescents

Demchenkov NO1, Krasilnikova ED2, Sheina NI1, Korolik VV1
About authors

1 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

2 Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Dispensary, Tver, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Natalia I. Sheina
Ostrovitianov, 1, Moscow, 117997, Russia; ur.liam@aniehs_in

About paper

Author contribution: Demchenkov NO — conducting the online questionnaire survey, processing and describing the study results, manuscript editing; Krasilnikova ED — conducting the webinar and online questionnaire survey, data processing and interpretation; Sheina NI — study concept, literature review, describing the results, manuscript writing and editing; Korolik VV — editing and formatting the final version of the article.

Compliance with ethical standards: the anonymous online questionnaire survey did not violate human rights, did not endanger the respondents and was compliant with the biomedical ethics requirements.

Received: 2023-08-29 Accepted: 2023-09-16 Published online: 2023-09-26
Fig. 1. Views of women and men (per 100 respondents) of the terms of starting sexual education in children
Fig. 2. Experts, whose opinions about sexual and hygienic education parents would like to know (%)
Fig. 3. Parents’ opinions (%) about the benefits of the webinar theoretical phase