Review of factors determining living conditions of modern scoolchildren

About authors

Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Ruslan D. Devrishov
d. 121, ul. Bakinskaya, Astrakhan, 414000, Russia; ur.xednay@bdyromem

Received: 2022-07-24 Accepted: 2022-08-27 Published online: 2022-12-10

Preservation and strengthening of health in the rising generation is declared as a key direction of the state policy in the Russian Federation. Systematic long-term influence of environmental factors, including mode of living and nutrition, on the processes of formation of health and physical development in children is currently taken as a pressing issue for the entire state, with regional peculiarities, specific to certain regions of Russia. The paper presents an analysis of modern Russian and foreign scientific literature regarding the influence of various environmental factors, conditions of training and education, basic components of the day regime and dietary habits on health of schoolchildren. Literature sources were searched through eLibrary, PubMed, Cyberleninka for the period from 2015 to 2022. In spite of the activities related to health protection of children and adolescents conducted by the state, official statistics and numerous studies display a continuous growth of the socalled school-associated morbidity. Analysis of historical data shows that effect of school and out-of-school factors on health of children and adolescents remains very pressing. Under these conditions, increased literacy of parents, teachers and children regarding hygienic education, formation of a healthy lifestyle and determination of managed sanitary and hygienic factors that can produce a positive influence on health and physical development of schoolchildren is given a great importance.

Keywords: physical development of children and adolescents, hygienic education, environmental factors of schoolchildren, daily regimen and nutrition, healthy way of life