On assessment of physical development of university students

Gorbatkova EYu1, Akhmadullina KhM2, Akhmadullin UZ3, Zulkarnaev TR3, Husnutdinova ZA1, Manuilova GR1
About authors

1 Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after Akmylla M, Ufa, Russia

2 Eastern Economic Law Humanitarian Academy, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia

3 Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Elena Yu. Gorbatkova
ul. Oktyabrskoy Rev., d. 3a, Ufa, Bashkortostan, 450008, Russia; ur.liam@ueavoktabrog

About paper

Author contribution: Gorbatkova EYu — research concept and design, data collection and processing, statistical processing, writing a text, editing, approval of the final version of the article, responsibility for integrity of all parts of the article; Akhmadullina KhM — research concept, approval of the final version of the article; Akhmadullin UZ — data collection and processing, research design; Zulkarnaev TR — approval of the final version of the article; Khusnutdinova ZA — approval of the final version of the article; Manuylova GR — statistical processing.

Compliance with ethical standards: report of the local ethics committee ‘Bashkir State Medical University’ of the Ministry of Health of Russia as of Jan. 20, 2021 (protocol No. 1) was submitted. The participants signed the informed consent.

Received: 2022-07-27 Accepted: 2022-08-29 Published online: 2022-12-05

Health of the younger generation determines the prospects of social and economic development of Russia. So, concern for healthcare of the youth is displayed in fundamental state documents (including the ‘Fundamentals of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025’) [1]. In accordance with its relevance, we conducted research aimed at examination of physical development of 1,820 students of the first and fourth years from four Universities of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Based on the past experience, standards of physical development for students from the Republic of Bashkortostan were developed and registered. A retrospective analysis was done comparing data related to modern students from the Republic of Bashkortostan and the ones related to the standard of physical development of students from the Republic of Bashkortostan obtained 25 years ago. The results reveal a tendency (during the last quarter of a century) to asthenization of modern youth from the Republic of Bashkortostan. The functional reserves of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of students were assessed using the circulatory and respiratory Skibinski’s index. It is established that in students, the mean Skibinski’s index was 24.8 ± 0.3, which corresponds to the ‘satisfactory’ range only. The program called ‘Software to assess physical development and adaptation capabilities of the body’ was developed and registered at the Federal Institute of Industrial Property aimed at determination of a risk group of diseases among students depending on their physical development, functional condition and adaptive capabilities of the body.

Keywords: students, universities, physical development standards, computer program