Peculiarities of low-mineralized drinking water chemical contamination influence on health of the population of the Russian Far East

Yamilova OYu, Koval’chuk VK
About authors

Pacific State Medical University, Vladivostok, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Olga Yu. Yamilova
2, Ostryakova Pr., Vladivostok, 690002, Russia; moc.liamg@28alimayhcilo

About paper

Author contributions: Koval’chuk VK made a significant contribution into the review concept and design, edited the final variant of the manuscript sent to the editorial office; Yamilova OYu made a significant contribution into literature data search and analysis, prepared the first variant of the article.

Received: 2021-08-08 Accepted: 2021-08-28 Published online: 2021-09-30
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