The influence of current information technologies on the health status of schoolchildren

Sokolova AI, Yaskova EE
About authors

Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Sokolova Anastasia Igorevna
ul. Lenina, 86, Voronezh, 396043; ur.xednay@seratn-aY

About paper

Author contribution: Sokolova AI - literature analysis, statistical processing, article authoring; Yaskova EE - material collection, statistical processing, literature analysis.

Compliance with ethical standards: The respondents participated voluntarily, through filling out questionnaires online. The study conformed to the biomedical ethics requirements and did not endanger the participants.

Received: 2021-04-12 Accepted: 2021-05-08 Published online: 2021-09-05
Fig. 1. Analysis of the pupils’ answers to the question “Does your workplace have special furniture?” (% of positive answers, n=50, p≤0.05)
Fig. 2. Analysis of the pupils’ answers to the question “How many hours a day can children of your age work at the computer?” (% of positive answers, n=50, p≤0.05)