Influence of the degree of adaptability and lifestyle on the quality of life of medical university students

Koroleva AA, Yanushanets OI, Petrova NA, Bezzubenkova EF
About authors

Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Anastasia Alekseevna Koroleva
Piskarevsky prospect, 47, pav. 35, St. Petersburg, 195067; moc.liamg@pidg.avelorok

About paper

Author contribution: O.I. Yanushanets carried out statistical processing of the research results, reviewed the article critically and approved its final version for publication. Petrova NA, Koroleva AA, Bezzubenkova EF processed the research results reflecting the degree of adaptation of third-year students, analyzed the changes in their condition that occurred through the 2 years of studying, interpreted the results.

Compliance with ethical standards: Each participant signed a voluntary informed consent form. The students participated voluntarily, through filling in questionnaires online. The study conformed to the biomedical ethics requirements and did not endanger the participants.

Received: 2021-05-17 Accepted: 2021-05-29 Published online: 2021-09-03

Adaptive capabilities of young people enrolling at higher education establishments differ from person to person. Depending on the level of these capabilities, a new student may see his/her quality of life deteriorating and a variety of diseases developing. Against this background, investigation of the dynamics of students' adaptation to studying at a higher educational establishment acquires special urgency: the results of such an investigation would enable designing an effective psychological support program for such students. This study aimed to investigate how the quality of life of students changes as studying at a higher education establishment alters their degree of adaptation and lifestyle. The report compares the studied degree of adaptability and quality of life of the same group of students in their first and third years. By design, the study was prospective continuous; it involved 120 students. M. Gavlinova's two-factor questionnaire (SA, social-ANS) enabled study of the degree of adaptability. As for the quality of life of the participating students, it was registered with the help of the SF-36 questionnaire. Lifestyle of the students was assessed relying on the questionnaire designed to uncover the person's attitude to smoking, alcohol, drugs, physical culture and sports. The results obtained enabled development of recommendations aimed at identifying students running risks of maladjustment and illnesses with the aim to render such students targeted medical and psychological assistance and adjust the sanitary and epidemiological conditions of studying.

Keywords: quality of life, medical students, healthy lifestyle, adaptability, vegetative resilience