Health aspects of innovation in modern society

Kolomin VV, Kudryasheva IA, Devrishov RD, Khorosheva IV, Gololobov MI, Khabchiev RK, Filyaev VN
About authors

Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Ruslan D. Devrishov
Bakinskaya 121, Astrakhan, 414000; 89608587176 ur.xednay@bdyromem

About paper

Author contributions: Kolomin VV– study concept and design, data acquisition, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation; Kudryasheva IA – editing; Devrishov RD – data acquisition and processing, manuscript preparation; Khorosheva IV – data acquisition, statistical analysis; Gololobov MI – editing; Khabchiev RK – data acquisition; Filyaev VN – editing

Received: 2021-04-12 Accepted: 2021-05-14 Published online: 2021-08-13

Wide use of computers, information and communication technologies and gadgets in industry and society unlocks creativity, refines logic, stimulates analytical and research skills, makes work much easier, and allows many types of activities to be performed remotely. But despite their indisputable advantages, information technologies have a downside. The negative impact of computers and electronic gadgets on the cognitive, emotional and mental states, the gastrointestinal tract, vision and the musculoskeletal system have been proved. Children are particularly sensitive to the negative effects of IT. This study provides concise information on some IT-associated health conditions (IT-associated morbidity) and proposes some measure to minimize the negative effects of IT on children’s health.

Keywords: prevention, hygiene, information and communication technology, IT-associated pediatric morbidity